Spanish Lessons – the entire 100-lesson course 01-50 core lessons video, course notes and test, plus Spoken Spanish practice lessons P1-P50 with all videos, interactive quizzes and notes. With full tutorial support. This is not like any other Spanish course. The very strong focus is on speaking Spanish and understanding spoken Spanish.
It is designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced students. We will explain that below,
The first part, the 50-lesson Core course, focuses on the structure of the Spanish language, teaching students how to speak correctly and preparing them for our intense spoken Spanish course. Each of the 50 lessons comes with a streaming video (average video length is 45 minutes) and lesson notes in PDF and Google/ Word format for reading on-screen or downloading for printing. Each lesson can be watched as often as the student wishes on a mobile phone, tablet or computer. Throughout the course, there are a variety of self-assessment tests and additional support materials. There is easy access to tutorial support. No lesson time is wasted teaching you numbers, colours, days, and months. We give you that information to learn offline if you don’t already know it.
Advanced and Intermediate students should note that the Core course is also required for them. They will benefit hugely from learning the shortcuts that make constructing sentences on the fly much easier.
The online core course has a cast-iron guarantee that if students list lessons in this block where they learnt nothing, no questions will be asked, and credits in additional Spoken Spanish online practice lessons will be issued. Intermediate students commonly find there will be no lessons in which, hand on heart, they can say, ‘I learnt nothing.’ The average advanced student generally gets credit for ten advanced spoken Spanish practice lessons, some twenty.
An advanced student’s record time to complete the core course was five days. Still, she reported that the speed tips were priceless, and because James approached the language from a different perspective, she learned a lot, dramatically improving her ability to construct sentences on the fly. It is this core course that has the largest impact on speaking Spanish. Even though she had been doing Duolingo for years, it was a significant weakness. She is still pushing through the spoken Spanish part of the course, which is all about tuning her ears to the increasing speed of spoken Spanish.
What is not often talked about is the very popular cultural content that James injects into his lessons. Vital things that prevent embarrassment are totally different from other cultures, like queue, time, and funeral protocols.
When the core course is complete, students are ready for the Spoken Spanish practice lessons, which focus on listening to spoken Spanish and ‘tuning’ your ears so that you can understand the ever-faster spoken Spanish you are confronted with daily.
Spanish Lessons P1-50 follow on after core lessons 50 only.
This Spoken Spanish block of lessons has a very varied format. Each lesson has two or three videos (the average lesson is 75 minutes.) They are intense, so many students do one video daily to avoid brain melt.
Across these practice lessons, 90% of the time, James extends your ability to understand and speak. Still, 11 Spanish speakers with various regional accents, ages seven to 70, play cameo roles.
There is a wide variety of lesson types, from game show formats to quizzes. Some lessons require pre-watching preparation.
Additionally, there are a host of bonus lessons, Spanish expressions, keyword quizzes, and a very addictive Spanish numbers game, the real solution to learning numbers on the fly.
Because it focuses so much on spoken Spanish, this course does not align with any standard academic course, so it cannot be used for any student visa application.. However, the completion certificate issued holds considerable weight in Extranjero integration efforts.
This package has no expiry term; lessons can be watched as often as you like, 24×7.
If you want to see the free demo lesson, learn more about the course, watch an important culture clip, read current students’ words, or ask questions, there is a form link down the page.
Payment Terms: The regular price for the 100-lesson, two login package is €499, but for two weeks for Move to Spain members, your cost will be €249.50. You will receive your first set of lesson access codes within seconds. If you want to pay over four months, there will be four payments each of €63 for a total of €252.
This great offer will end at midnight (Spanish time) on July 31st , 2024, and the price will return to €499.
Please note that this is an online product only. Nothing is delivered by mail. You can watch the streaming video lessons on your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
Now, if you are not quite ready to pull out your credit or debit card yet but want to see the free demo lesson again, learn more about the course, watch an important culture clip, read what current students are saying, Click here