Am I advanced? Intermediate or a beginner? Where do I start with JSS courses?
For everyone its JSS Core Lesson 1. Yep, really.
For two reasons. One is because it is a unique course that is very structured. So, dropping in halfway just does not work. You would miss a host of simple approaches to Spanish sentence constructions.
The second reason is, I have many people that have done two years of Spanish study before signing up and think that they will know most of the beginning of the course and it is not the case.
The way I teach even basic things is very different to others. Because my focus is making it much easier to remember things, for on-the-fly recall, whereas you may have learnt a very hard way and that can mean slow spoken responses, when speed is so critical.
Rest assured, we do not cover things like numbers, days of the week, months of the year, I expect everybody to learn that on their own. My task is to explain to you the things that we say differently and getting you structuring and understanding sentences as soon as possible!
What is the difference between somebody who already has some basic Spanish and somebody who doesn’t? The speed that they can progress through the course.
If you have a higher level than your partner, or vice versa, it just means that one of you will be able to progress through the core learning lessons faster. The person who has a lower level will have to repeat some of the lessons to make sure they have really absorbed them, whereas the person who already has some Spanish can sail through the first lessons with relative ease while still learning lots!
Then comes the much harder part, the spoken Spanish practice lessons, harder for everyone.
With the couple’s package, there are two logins, with the family packs there could be up to to eight, so each student can progress at their own speed and there are little self-assessment tests along the way to make sure you are remembering and progressing as you should.
Also, for people that already have a level of Spanish, there is the cast iron guarantee that for every lesson of the core learning package you do not learn from, I will reimburse you with another spoken Spanish lesson at your level free of charge, no questions asked.
So, no matter what your level is, you start at the beginning and if the first lessons were way too easy, you will get harder ones later down the track for free…
So nothing to lose…
Click here to watch a free demo lesson, see some practice lesson excerpts, and a culture clip
Click here for course details, pricing and order placement
IT project manager Susan McGough ‘I started Spanish lessons three years ago, but I felt I should be making more spoken Spanish progress. When I began James’s streaming video course, I found his lessons consolidated my knowledge; the lesson content was excellent and easy to understand. James does not spend time on basics, colours, numbers, clothing, body parts and vegetables. He expects you to know these or learn in your own time. Instead, he focuses on critical things.
‘His method of teaching orders and instructions is so much simpler and better than any others. His online tests gave me good targets and showed me precisely what I needed to study more.
‘I am really enjoying my progress; it is already making a big difference in daily life. I now have the confidence to attempt to talk Spanish in any situation. ‘
Michele (Shell) Butters, a retired UK Personnel Director living in Spain, said, ‘I have done a few Spanish courses online, but it wasn’t easy to train my listening skills. I can construct sentences but hearing and understanding longer conversations and questions have been my greatest challenge.
‘To progress to James’ spoken classes, I had to complete the 50 core lessons. I learned a huge amount. James simplifies things in a way that no one else does, and I am now well into the spoken section of James’ course.
‘I would say to anyone; it does not matter if you have done several years of study- if you are not confidently fluent, then start at James’ beginning, refresh, and then really progress.
‘I am loving James spoken Spanish lessons. They are challenging, fun, informative, with a great mixture of speakers of different ages and accents. The course makes you work, but that is why it is successful and why I can progress in the spoken word that I was yearning for.
Tony Nelson, a retired Dorset Police Officer, also now in Spain ‘James simplifies the Spanish language learning process. Overall, I found the 50 core lessons immensely beneficial, there were some real eye-openers, and I really enjoyed them. I like his sense of humour a lot too.
‘The Spoken Spanish practice lessons are great. I find phone calls, cold calls the very hardest to understand. Once I can figure who is calling and about what, then the understanding comes. So, it is all about practice and more practice, which I am getting now. ‘
‘I would highly recommend his course regardless of your Spanish level. It has been incredibly beneficial to me.’